
Participating in a Fishing Tradition in Baler

I saw this process on my first time in Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora; unfortunately, I did not have a camera then so I did not get to document the fishing tradition Pukot.FISHING IN BALER AURORA

You could easily spot fishing by the process of Pukot at Sabang Beach when you see people lining up and pulling a rope from the sea.

The following are the procedure on how they perform the Pukot:

  1. A boat carrying a lambat (fish net) would go to the sea and place it such that it is widely spread to catch fish.
  2. The lambat is then tied to two ropes extending to the beach where people could pull it.
  3. The people have this simple device consisting of a slab of wood to be placed at the back of the puller tied with a rope on the two ends of the wood. The rope is then tied together and will be tied to the rope that extends to the sea.
  4. The pullers then tie the rope from their device and when they reach the end of the line, they release the rope and go to the front and tie the rope again. The knot to tie the device is actually very simple.
  5. As the Lambat gets closer and closer to the shore, the two lines of pullers also get nearer to each other. This is controlled by the person at the end of the rope.
  6. When the Lambat is at the beach the pullers will then let go of their simple device and then pull using their bare hands.
  7. The end of the Lambat is then guided by their commander until it arrives at shore.
  8. They will then collect the catch on a pale/basket and filter the catch.
  9. Then they will all gather to see the catch.FISHING IN BALER AURORA

Who can participate in the Pukot?

Every abled body person can join in the Pukot. Even ordinary tourists can be a puller.

Jeremiah Capule extending his helping hand in Pukot

That is a man’s job, any part for females? You could be the controller.

What is in it for me? If you help out in the pulling of the Lambat, they will give you a handful portion of the catch. But you can get more if the catch was good.

A puller who got his share

Bawal ang magutom sa Baler.

Why do they need to filter the catch?

With the growing number of tourists in Sabang Beach along with it grows the number of trash available. That is why they also filter the trash.

Disposed from the Catch

So why are there fishes in the to be disposed picture? Take a closer look at the fishes, they are actually small puffer fish and is poisonous if not prepared well.


After all the processes are done then comes the cleaning up crew.


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